Time Difference Between Iran And The World

Time Difference Between Iran And The World

Time Difference
Time Zones of Iran
Time Zone Currently Being Used in Iran

Offset Time Zone Abbreviation & Name Example City
UTC +3:30 IRST (Iran Standard Time) Tehran

Time Zone Not Currently Being Observed in Iran

Offset Time Zone Abbreviation & Name Commences
UTC +4:30 IRDT (Iran Daylight Time) 21 March 2020

The above time zone will become active again after the next clock change as Daylight Saving Time begins or ends.

World Time Difference to Iran
When Tehran is 9:30 am, the standard times in other main cities are as follows

City Time City Time City Time
Kabul 10:30 Yerevan 10:00 Algiers 07:00
Andorra la Vella 07:00 Porto-Novo 07:00 Thimphu 12:00
Baku 10:00 Nassau 01:00 Manama 09:00
Belmopan 00:00 Gaborone 08:00 Bandar Seri Begawan 14:00
Ouagadougou 06:00 Gitega 08:00 Lima 01:00
Havana 01:00 Doha 09:00 Harare 08:00
Dhaka 12:00 Bridgetown 02:00 Minsk 09:00
La Paz 02:00 Sarajevo 07:00 Brasilia 03:00
Baghdad 09:00 Helsinki 08:00 Zagreb 07:00
Vilnius 08:00 Luxembourg 07:00 Sana 09:00
Hanoi 13:00 Vatican City 07:00 Caracas 02:00
Kyiv 08:00 Tashkent 11:00 Abu Dhabi 10:00
Vaduz 07:00 Kampala 09:00 Tripoli 08:00
Maseru 08:00 Monrovia 06:00 Riga 08:00
Beirut 08:00 Nairobi 09:00 Nur Sultan 12:00
Vientiane 13:00 Tarawa 18:00 Pristina 07:00
Kingston 01:00 Amman 08:00 Kuwait 09:00
Bishkek 12:00 Tegucigalpa 00:00 Dublin 06:00
Port-au-Prince 01:00 Ashgabat 11:00 Ankara 09:00
Funafuti 18:00 Taipei 14:00 Dili 15:00
Lomé 06:00 Suva 19:00 Riyadh 09:00
Bangkok 13:00 Belgrade 07:00 Dakar 06:00
Berlin 07:00 Victoria 10:00 Freetown 06:00
Bern 07:00 Bratislava 07:00 Rome 07:00
Mumbai 11:30 Jakarta 13:00 Ljubljana 07:00
Brussels 07:00 Islamabad 11:00 Dodoma 09:00
Bucharest 08:00 Khartoum 08:00 Santiago 03:00
Budapest 07:00 Kuala Lumpur 14:00 Seoul 15:00
Buenos Aires 03:00 Tbilisi 10:00 Singapore 14:00
Cairo 08:00 Lisbon 06:00 Sofia 08:00
Dushanbe 11:00 London 06:00 Stockholm 07:00
Cape Town 08:00 Manila 14:00 Athens 08:00
Madrid 07:00 Bogotá 01:00 Canberra 17:00
Accra 06:00 Mexico City 00:00 Beijing 14
Addis Ababa 09:00 Lusaka 08:00 Tirana 07:00
Copenhagen 07:00 Moscow 09:00 Tokyo 15:00
Damascus 08:00 New Delhi 11:30 Tunis 07:00
Nicosia 08:00 Reykjavik 06:00 Ottawa 01:00
Tallinn 08:00 Roseau 02:00 Vienna 07:00
San Salvador 00:00 Panama City 01:00 Warsaw 07:00
Kigali 08:00 Paris 07:00 Washington 01:00
Quito 01:00 Prague 07:00 Santo Domingo 02:0